I’ve said it over and over in the past 11 months, and I don’t really see an end to the fact that, “when Covid19 hit, we had no real idea how it would define what the New Normal would be.”
My observations for what they’re worth.
- People want their life back.
- People don’t want to deal directly with other people unless they’re forced to do so.
- And, if they’re forced to deal with people or kiosks they’re okay with it as long as you provide them with hand-sanitizer that they can lather up with before and after the interaction.
So, I thought I would aggregate the last 12 months of articles I have written about the Post Covid World at least as it pertains to how self-service can be safer beyond just providing hand-sanitizer at a place of business.
Covid Solutions – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/howard-industries-investing-post-covid-self-service-the-kioskguy-/